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5/10/2010 - Satisfactorily concluded collaboration between Indra and Edertone within the project-related TMB (Barcelona Metro)

After 4 months, ending the collaboration between the new technology consulting firm Indra and Edertone Advanced Solutions .

During this period a member of the team Ederotone formed part of the development group for the management of maps of TMB . Its function was to advise on the Flex application, as an expert in language, as well as developing new functions for existing software. This software module integrates various technologies such as SAP. NET, FLEX, JAVA, ORACLE ...


Indra is a global technology innovation and talent, leading solutions and services with high added value sectors of Transport and Traffic, Energy and Industry, Public Sector and Healthcare, Financial Services, Security and Defence and Telecom and Media. Indra operates in over 100 countries and has more than 30,000 professionals worldwide who share their knowledge of different sectors and countries to find innovative solutions to the challenges of its customers. Indra is the European company in its industry to invest more in R & D.

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