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23/8/2008 - Edertone Starts edertone implementation of ERP in the company Nechvile Machines

The company Nechville machines, located in Polinyà and dedicated to the manufacture of machines and silkscreen tampography, is preparing to deploy the Software edertone of Edertone for stock control and inventory of stock.

For this case, the modules implemented by Edertone are customer management, supplier, customer, products, invoices and stock, together with the hierarchical system of users of the core application.

The start of the control data of the application is planned for 1st September 2008.

Other subsequent phases of the project include the web of data integration (product orders), to be updated in real time with the online shop will be introduced in the next step.

En1979, the company Nechvile Machines began to manufacture print machines from the most simple one color up, following the market requirements, more sophisticated colors with almost no limit, and robotic technology with open or closed ink .

At present, machines Nechvile has 3.000m2 of facilities where it can maintain a vigorous pace of service for more than 60 standard models in its range and at the same time, continue to innovate to make models faster, more innovative more manageable and to continue the pace of demand for its growing number of customers.

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