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1/9/2008 - Solumed start implementing the ERP version Edertone web for its internal management.

Company Solumed, following the line of innovation and renewal of its computer system, has decided to go for a 2.0 web application to replace its ERP system online, which has been running until today with standard PHP technology.

To do this, Edertone is preparing to implement much of the edertone modules, initiating a data migration to the new system. The end result of the process control of all the internal management of the company are conducted through the new ERP.

Solumed is a company dedicated to solving the various problems that arise in the environmental industry today. As equipment manufacturers have standard and custom product, which offers unlimited advantages for adaptation of the client.

- Distribution and advice on products for water treatment and industry.

- Customized solutions: For problems of contaminated water and lubricants.

- Facilities and Work: For any type of work-related environment.

The best and most reliable equipment on the market to solve the problems of polluted water from oil and to avoid any problems with emulsions and other industrial fluids.

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Edertone Advanced Solutions S.L.

Castellar del Vallès (08211) · Barcelona · Spain

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